This little tool, developed by Bumbleboss, lets you set a nice custom rich presence in your Discord game status. You can set different titles, add an icon and more details. Here you can find out more about how to use it. Click the title to get an overview of the releases you can download.
A small online tool you can convert PNG files to ICO or ICNS. Very handy if you just made your own app logo.
Web app that lets you put together your own pattern from smaller icons or symbols. There are preset icons but you can also upload custom ones. Definately fun to use.
You ever wanted to embed your funny TeX-formatted equations on your website or you just want it as an image because the Word equation editor sucks like hell? Then this is most likely what you've been searching for.
Keep track of the current top 100 songs on iTunes. Just in case you like the stuff running on radio 24/7 and want to stay up to date... Anyways it's interesting to see what le world is listening to.
A map that shows you the sun's and moon's position at any time as well as of sunrise and sunset. So basically a must-have tool for searching good photo spots and planning your next trip.
Install this and you get a finder integration that lets you jump straight into the shell at the current directory. That helps. More than you think.
Its unofficial but super cool. No need to rage about finding DevDocs in a ton of browsertabs, just fire up the app. No limitations compared to the website.
To show the full path instead of just the current folder in the title bar of your finder, just enter those lines in your terminal:
~/$ defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true
~/$ killall Finder
If you ever want to change it back, enter the same thing again,
but change the true
at the end of the
first line into a false
If you experience a high CPU-usage of the probably-helpful ReportCrash that fires up everytime Photoshop gives up living, you can disable that feature manually. Here's how:
~/$ launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ • ist
~/$ sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ • ash.Root.plist
The second line is basically the same as the first but makes sure,
ReportCrash is also disabled for applications you're running with higher
permissions. You may be asked for root's password to execute it.
To enable ReportCrash again, run the same lines with
instead of unload
in the beginning.
Object.getLength = function(obj) {
let iLength = 0;
for(var sKey in obj)
return iLength;
function sortArr(arr, sort) {
let swapp,
n = arr.length-1,
s = sort-1 || 0;
do {
swapp = false;
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(arr[i][s] < arr[i+1][s]) {
let tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[i+1];
arr[i+1] = tmp;
swapp = true;
} n--;
} while(swap);
return arr;
function prime(x) {
let isP = true;
return isP;
let half = x % 2 != 0 ? (x - 1) / 2 : x / 2;
for(var i=2; i<=half; i++) {
let div = x / i;
if(Math.round(div) == div) {
isP = false;
return isP;
function print(n) {
let c = 1, i = 2;
while(c <= n) {
console.log(c++ +'/'+ n +': '+ i);